We are Clear Door SEO

A Digital Marketing Team in Oregon

About Us

Clear Door SEO’s Core Values

We know what it means to be a small business. We know the long hours and dedication you have to put in to build your business from the ground up. And, we know deciding to engage with a SEO company can be scary. The results are unsure, the ROI is a mystery, and you may not even know what an SEO company does before you start. But you are here.

And you are here to generate more leads and profit for your business. We, at Clear Door SEO know exactly what you are going through right now. We started the same way, and thats why: We’re people just like you. Clear Door SEO is a SEO agency in Portland Oregon, and we are here to help you.


You’re an expert in your field. We work directly with you to develop SEO strategies to reach your goals.


We focus on honesty in all of our partnerships. We go the extra mile to stay honest to our words and actions.


We take ownership of our words and actions. We ensure what we say is what we do.


When we start a SEO project, we finish it. Hard work and commitment is how we complete projects.


We build for the future. Focus on laying the foundation for all future SEO and digital marketing activities


Open and transparent communication is essential. Clear Door SEO is always ready to talk.

Want to Leverage Our Team of Digital Marketing Professionals?

Contact Clear Door SEO today to leverage our SEO expertise to power up your businesses website.

Meet The Team:

Hayden Rue

Founder and SEO Specialist

Hayden is originally from Salem and has a background in International Development and a passion for creating impactful change, but set the wheels in motion for Clear Door SEO during his spare time working in South Asia. Having immersed himself in the realm of International Development, Hayden witnessed the power of leveraging digital platforms for societal transformation.

Inspired by the prospect of channeling his skills and insights into a dynamic, results-oriented venture, the agency emerged. With a keen understanding of the digital landscape and a vision to empower businesses with enhanced online visibility, Clear Door SEO was born.

Hayden Rue_Clear Door SEO

You Need More Than Just SEO:

Let us be honest, there is no need to invest in marketing and website development if people only visit your website and leave. Your business relies on leads, conversions, and sales.

SEO can bring people to your website. Ultimately though, you need them to perform a desired action: sign up for a service, fill out a form, purchase a product, or click on a call to action button.

If you are looking for a SEO company in Portland, Oregon, Clear Door SEO would love to talk to you.

We provide SEO services that last.

Clear Door SEO focuses on taking SEO to the next level by incorporating and providing Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategies and features. CRO is the process that works to increase the percentage of visitors to your website that complete one of your desired actions.

We develop strategies, to build sustainable growth.

As a SEO company in Portland, Oregon we center our approach around working hand in hand with you to build the website that meets your unique needs. Building for your future and sustained growth is our goal.

Our mission

The mission of Clear Door SEO is simple:
To provide businesses with digital marketing services that drives traffic and inspires their customers

Our Vision

Create economic opportunities for businesses so they can increase their brand reach through the ongoing implementation of industry leading best practices of digital marketing

Latest from the blog

Looking to increase your digital marketing and SEO knowledge? Check out the latest posts in our SEO blog!

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